Indian Air Force has announced the IAF AFCAT 2 Admit Card 2023. Candidates who want to be ready for the Air Force Common Admission Test 02/2023 can download the admit card through the official site of AFCAT at
Candidates who want to come out for the Air Force Common Admission Test which is held on 02/2023. Candidates can download the admit card for visit the official website of the AFCAT at
The online AFCAT examination will be led on August 25, 26, or 27, 2027 at different exam centres in the country. Those candidates who will come for the written exam can download the admit card by following these steps.
Go to the official website of the Indian Air Force (IAF) at
Then click on Download the Admit Card 2023".
Enter your 10-digit application number and your date of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format.
Press the "Submit" button.
You will be able to see your admit card on the screen after you provide your application number and date of birth.
Take out the print of the admit card.