The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) has announced the results of the Class 11th examinations for the Summer Zone/Soft Zone candidates. The results were released on the official website of the JKBOSE,, on July 10, 2023.
A total of 50,000 students appeared for the Class 11th examinations this year. The pass percentage for the Summer Zone/Soft Zone candidates is 75.5%.
The highest pass percentage was recorded in the Commerce stream, with 82.5% of the candidates passing. The lowest pass percentage was recorded in the Science stream, with 72% of the candidates passing.
The results can be checked by the candidates by entering their roll number and registration number on the official website of the JKBOSE. The mark sheets will be available for download from the website shortly.
The JKBOSE Class 11th examinations were held from May 23 to June 15, 2023. The examinations were taken in two shifts, morning and afternoon. The exams were held in 211 centres across the Jammu and Kashmir region.
The results of the Winter Zone candidates will be announced later. The JKBOSE Class 11th examinations are an important milestone in the academic career of students. The results of these examinations will determine the stream that the students will pursue in their higher secondary education.
The students who have passed the Class 11th examinations are congratulated on their success. The students who have not cleared the examinations are advised to don't give up and to continue their studies. They can appear for the compartment examinations that will be held later.