The Karnataka Pre-University Education Department (KPUE) has announced the results of the Karnataka 2nd PUC Supplementary Exam 2, 2023. The results are now available on the official website of the KPUE,
The KPUE has also released a list of the top scorers in the exam. The top scorer is Akshata M N from Vijayapura, who scored 98.6%. The second-place finisher is Yashasvi S A from Bengaluru, who scored 98.4%. The third-place finisher is Aniruddha G R from Chikkamagaluru, who scored 98.2%.
The KPUE has congratulated all the students who passed the exam. The department has also advised the students who have failed to appear for the next supplementary exam, which will be held in October 2023.
Students can check their PUC 2 results online by visiting the board website, To do this, they will need their registration number and subject combination.
To check your Karnataka PUC II Supply Result 2023, follow these steps:
Visit the official website at
Click on the Karnataka PUC II Supply Result 2023 for Exam 2 link available on the home page.
Enter your personal details.
Click on the Submit button.
Then download the result.
The Karnataka PUC 2 supplementary results were announced on September 12, 2023. For more related details, candidates can check the official site of Karnataka PUC at