The Google Pixel 7a, which was launched in India at Rs. 43,999, has received a major price cut on Flipkart. It is now available for just Rs. 35,999. This is a significant discount of Rs. 8,000, and it makes the Pixel 7a one of the most affordable smartphones in the market with a flagship-grade camera.
The Pixel 7a is powered by Google's own Tensor chip and comes with a 6.3-inch OLED display with a 90Hz refresh rate. It has a dual-camera system on the back with a 50MP main sensor and a 12MP ultrawide sensor.
The Pixel 7a also has a 4680mAh battery that supports 18W fast charging. It runs Android 13 out of the box and is guaranteed to receive software updates for at least five years. It is now available on Flipkart for Rs. 35,999.
Flipkart's Big Dussehra sale is here, and it's brought with it some amazing deals on smartphones, including the popular Google Pixel 7a.
The Pixel 7a is now available for just Rs. 35,999, down from its original launch price of Rs. 43,999. Flipkart's Big Dussehra Sale 2023 deadline has been extended until October 29. Flipkart's Big Dussehra Sale 2023: Google Pixel 7a Gets Rs. 8,000 Discount
The Google Pixel 7a, which was launched at Rs. 43,999, is now available for Rs. 35,999 during the Flipkart Big Dussehra Sale 2023. This is a significant price cut, and it is further sweetened by an additional 10% discount available on select bank cards.
Google Pixel 7a Specifications
Display: 6.1-inch OLED Full HD+ display with 90Hz refresh rate and Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection
Processor: Google Tensor G2
Storage: 128GB
Rear camera: 50MP main sensor + 12MP ultrawide sensor
Front camera: 8MP sensor
Battery: 4680mAh with 18W fast charging
Operating system: Android 13
The Google Pixel 7a is powered by the Google Tensor G2 processor, which is Google's custom-designed chip.
The Google Pixel 7a is powered by the Google Tensor G2 processor, paired with the Titan M2 security chip for enhanced security.