Consumer tech brand BOULT launched its latest smartwatch, the Sterling, on Wednesday for Rs 1,599. The company describes it as a "sportive luxury timepiece."
The BOULT Sterling smartwatch features a 1.52-inch HD screen display and a stainless steel design, with various strap colour options. It is available for purchase on Boult's official website, Flipkart, and Amazon in colours such as Midnight Marine, Carbon Copper, and Scarlet Ebony.
The BOULT Sterling smartwatch features a suite of advanced health monitoring tools, including SpO2 blood oxygen, blood pressure, and heart rate monitors, as well as menstrual cycle tracking, sleep monitoring, and water-drinking reminders.
At Boult, design is at the core of our brand philosophy. The BOULT Sterling smartwatch also features over 100 sports modes, 150+ cloud-based watch faces for personalization, an AI voice assistant, real-time weather updates, a Find My Phone feature and mini-games.