In a tragic turn of events, a significant 6.4 magnitude tremor shook a distant Nepalese area on Friday night, claiming the lives of no fewer than 128 individuals and leaving over 140 wounded. Heartbreaking footage emerged of local inhabitants sifting through the debris, under the cloak of darkness, seeking out any trapped survivors amongst the ruins of their crumbled dwellings and structures.
Several houses collapsed or sustained damage, as survivors huddled outside in fear, surrounded by the wail of emergency sirens. The earthquake’s tremors were even felt in New Delhi, over 500 kilometres away.
At least 36 people have been confirmed dead in Rukum West, and 34 in Jajarkot. Hari Prasad Pant, the Chief District Officer of Rukum West, told ANI that “at least 36 people have been confirmed dead in Rukum West, and the toll is expected to rise further. This is the update we have been able to get till 5 am (local time).”
Nepal’s Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal extended his condolences over the terrible loss of life and the severe infrastructural damage caused by the earthquake. “Honorable Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has expressed his deep sorrow over the human and material damage caused by the earthquake at Ramidanda in Jajarkot at 11:47 on Friday night and has mobilized all 3 security agencies for the immediate rescue and relief of the injured,” the Nepal PMO posted on X.
The Nepalese government has mobilized all 3 security agencies to provide immediate rescue and relief to the injured. A special assistance line is now active for earthquake-affected families. The Prime Minister has directed local officials to evaluate the destruction and prioritize the safety of residents in the afflicted zones.