Bank Of Baroda Expands Rates! Up To 1.25% More On Savings For You

Starting December 29th, they're raising interest rates on your regular and NRO term deposits by up to a whopping 1.25%. While the interest rate boost sounds exciting, it only applies to savings accounts with less than Rs 2 crore.

By raising the interest rates on your savings accounts, the Bank of Baroda wants to give you more value. We're expecting this to attract new customers and keep existing ones happy. It also helps us manage our finances better, which ultimately allows us to keep offering you great banking services.

State Bank of India (SBI) also giving your deposits a boost of up to 0.5% starting December 27th. This applies to all your fixed deposits (FDs) under Rs 2 crore, so get ready to see your hard-earned money grow a little faster.

SBI gave your short-term and mid-term deposits a boost, starting December 27th. Here's what you need to know:

  • Money parked for a short time (7 to 45 days) earns an extra 0.5%, making it 3.5%.
  • Savings collected for a few months (46 to 179 days) get a 0.25% bump to 4.75%.
  • Deposits in the 180 to 210-day range see a 0.5% increase to 5.75%.
  • If you can keep your money in for 211 days to a year, you'll earn 6% instead of the usual 5.75%.
  • And for those planning ahead (3 to 5 years), your savings will grow even faster with a 0.25% bonus, bringing you 6.75%.

The longer you leave your money with SBI, the more precious the interest rate gets.