A video capturing a disturbing incident in Madhya Pradesh's Sidhi district has sparked outrage. The footage shows Pravesh Shukla, an aide to a BJP MLA, urinating on a tribal man. The disturbing incident has been widely shared online over the past week and has sparked outrage & criticism. Finally, on the night of July 4 (Tuesday), Shukla was arrested and taken to Rewa jail. This raises questions about the authority Shukla believed he had to engage in such a deplorable act.
Shukla facing charges under SC/ST Act and the National Security Act. Today, the news broke that the local administration had demolished his illegal encroachments.
The victim, Dashrath Rawat, belonging to the Kol community (a Scheduled Caste tribe originating from the Chotanagpur plateau), is keeping silent for his own safety. As a daily wage laborer, Rawat had visited a local phone recharge shop where the incident took place. While Rawat was sitting on the stairs, Shukla openly urinated on him, ignoring Rawat's pleas to stop.
People have questioned why no one intervened. According to Deen Dayal Sahu, who recorded the video, he tried to persuade Shukla to stop but was unsuccessful. It's worth noting that Shukla has been described as a political influential figure in Sidhi. Opposing parties have labeled Shukla's act as an example of casteism within the BJP.
Tribal leader and MP Congress Youth President Vikrant Bhuria said, "This incident reveals the true nature of the party. They show no respect for tribals."
Interestingly, the BJP MLA Kedarnath Shukla has distanced himself from Pravesh Shukla. Kedarnath clarified that Pravesh is neither a party worker nor his representative. However, Pravesh's father, Ramakant Shukla, contradicted Kedarnath's statement in an interview with Aaj Tak. Ramakant confirmed that his son has been actively involved as an aide and party worker for the BJP MLA for the past four to five years. After the video of Pravesh's shameful act became widely known, he disappeared, compelling his father to report him as missing.
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan instructed the authorities to apply the National Security Act to Pravesh, alongside the charges already filed under the SC/ST Act. After his arrest, Pravesh awaits his punishment.
The video exposing Pravesh's humiliating act was initially shared with a local resident named Adarsh Shukla, who then shared it on social media on June 26. The delay in the video's online presence might have been due to Pravesh's intimidating tactics.
Sahu, who recorded the video, revealed that Pravesh and his associates are feared by the residents of Sidhi, and even the police initially favored them.
The situation became more complicated when Rawat was pressured not to implicate Pravesh. According to Sahu, the Bahri Police Station coerced Rawat into signing an affidavit on July 2, stating that the video was fake and intended to defame someone of "political repute" like Pravesh.
With Pravesh's arrest and the video gaining widespread attention, it is challenging for local authorities or politicians to support him. Ramakant continues to claim that his son is being targeted by his political adversaries. However, with the BJP holding a majority in the local assembly, the question remains: Who exactly is Pravesh's political enemy?
Regardless of Pravesh's political connections, it is evident that his actions initially went unchecked due to his upper-caste privilege and the victim's tribal background. Caste-based atrocities against communities like the Kol, Bhil, Gond, and Baiga are sadly prevalent in Madhya Pradesh.
According to National Crime Records Bureau's 2020 report, a 25% increase in reported cases of atrocities against tribal men and women compared to the previous year. MP registered 33,239 cases of atrocities against Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes from 2018 to 2021, indicating a consistent rise in crime figures each year.
The victim's reluctance to engage with national media reflects his desire to stay under the radar, fearing potential repercussions from powerful political forces.
Pravesh's deplorable act has backfired, even for the political party he openly associated with. Despite BJP's majority in Vidhan Sabha, they won only 16 out of 47 seats reserved for Scheduled Tribes in 2018 Madhya Pradesh State Assembly elections, compared to 31 seats they secured in 2013.
As the next assembly elections approach in November, the BJP will need to develop more effective strategies to gain support in the Scheduled Tribe districts.