CAR IARI Admit Card 2023 Released For Technician Post

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has released the admit card for the Technician (T1) examination 2023 and there are the important dates of July 7, 8, and 10, 2023.

The admit card can be downloaded from the ICAR IARI website. Candidates who have applied for the exam can use their registration number and date of birth to download the admit card.

The admit card contains important information such as the candidate's name, registration number, date of birth, exam centre, and exam time. Candidates must carry the admit card to the exam hall.

The exam will be a Computer-Based Test (CBT). There are two parts: In Part, I will take 60 minutes and 50 questions, and Part II will take 90 minutes and 70 questions.

Part I will be of multiple choice questions, while Part II will be of objective. The questions will be based on the syllabus for the Technician (T1) examination.

The admit card is an important document and candidates must keep it safe. Candidates must also check the admit card carefully for any errors. If there are any errors, candidates must contact the ICAR IARI authorities immediately.

The ICAR IARI Technician (T1) examination is a competitive exam and only the best candidates will be selected. Candidates who are appearing for the exam must prepare well and do their best.

I hope this helps!