Delhi Gears Up For Odd-Even Vehicle Plan To Combat Pollution Surge

Delhi is set to reinstate the Odd-Even scheme from November 13th to November 20th as a strategic move to combat the city's surging air pollution. The scheme, focusing on the last digit of license plates, aims to curb pollution levels that have been a major concern for the city.

Gopal Rai, Delhi's environment minister, officially declared the return of the Odd-Even vehicle rationing system during a press conference on Monday. This time-bound strategy seeks to address the pressing issue of air pollution, primarily caused by vehicular emissions and other sources.

The Odd-Even system regulates vehicle movement based on the last digit of their license plates. Vehicles with numbers ending in even digits (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) can drive on specific even dates, and those with numbers ending in odd digits (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) are allowed on particular odd dates.

The decision to reintroduce this system aligns with the escalating pollution and associated health concerns impacting the city's populace. The aim is to significantly reduce vehicular traffic on roads, thereby minimizing pollution levels during the one-week period.

Simultaneously, Delhi's government has taken additional steps to mitigate the crisis. Schools have been directed to halt physical classes except for grades 10 and 12, preceding the Odd-Even scheme's implementation.

Moreover, discussions about instituting a work-from-home mandate for 50% of employees in both government and private offices within Delhi are yet to be finalized, a decision pending future meetings and considerations.

The comprehensive strategy comes on the heels of a high-level meeting chaired by Delhi's Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal. Key decisions were addressed following this meeting, and it involved the deliberation of several ministers and concerned officials.

Minister Gopal Rai expressed hope in the decline of pollution levels, citing the weather forecast predicting increased wind speeds. He mentioned that higher wind speeds are expected in the coming days, potentially aiding in dispersing accumulated pollution.

This strategic intervention to curb air pollution seeks to protect public health and the environment. The collective efforts made by the government aim to bring a positive change in the city's air quality.