In a mysterious incident that has sparked widespread interest, two women in Punjab's Mohali were captured on CCTV footage stealing flowerpots from a residence in Sector 78. The strange act spread as the women, arriving in a sedan, swiftly snatched flowerpots decorating both sides of the main gate.
The CCTV footage of the theft has swept across social media, leaving viewers amazed about the video's authenticity. The video captures the women exiting their sedan, swiftly approaching the residence, and quickly grabbing the flowerpots. Following the theft, they hurriedly retreat to their vehicle and make a swift departure.
As the video circulated widely on social media, netizens voiced their opinions. Some advocated for gender-neutral laws to tackle such occurrences, emphasizing the point that "Crime has no gender, as this incident proves." Others took a more lighthearted approach, jokingly suggesting, "Educate girls, make them steal."
While this flowerpot theft is peculiar, it is not an isolated incident. Two individuals shamelessly pilfered flowerpots from the Ambience Mall on the Delhi-Gurugram expressway, transporting their stolen loot in an SUV. In a curious development, police in Delhi were assigned the additional task of protecting close to 700,000 flowerpots in preparation for the G20 Summit.
This decision stemmed from numerous reports of missing flowerpots, rubber nozzles, wires, and damaged lights across the city. Instances included the theft and vandalism of street lights and decorative lights along Lodhi Road, Mathura Road, and Ring Road, along with the disappearance of numerous flowerpots during the event.