Google+AI Introduces Math Tutor, Boosting Students' Problem-Solving

According to the Google blog Keyword, it can be difficult to describe exactly what you're looking for when you're studying STEM subjects, whether you're using a textbook or searching online for help with a complex physics problem.

New features in Search and Lens make it easier to visualize STEM concepts and find the right equations by browsing for them more naturally and intuitively. Students can practice math skills with the tutor by choosing from a variety of practice problems or creating their own.

To use the Google AI math tutor, simply type your equation or integral into the Google Search bar, or take a picture with Lens. You can also type "math solver" into the Google Search bar to give the experience a try on a desktop. The tutor is not yet available on mobile devices, but it will be available soon.

How to use the Google AI Math Tutor:
"How do I solve a quadratic equation?"
"What is the derivative of x^2?"
"What is the integral of e^x?"

Take a picture with Lens:
Take a picture of a math problem from your textbook or homework assignment.
Take a picture of a handwritten math problem on a whiteboard or piece of paper.

Tips for using the Math Tutor:
Be as specific as possible when you type in your query or take a picture with Lens. The more specific you are, the more accurate the tutor's response will be.

If you are having trouble solving a particular problem, try breaking it down into smaller steps. The tutor can help you to solve each step one at a time.