The Kerala government announced the cash prize amount for the 19th Asian Games winners of Kerala under the Gold Rs 25 Lakh, Silver Rs 19 Lakh, and Bronze Medal Rs 12.5 Lakh category on Wednesday.
The award ceremony took place for Kerala players to show their excellent performance in the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, China.
Gold medal holders in the 4x 400 Relay are Muhammed Anas and Muhammad Ajmal, and in the Hockey game, the medal holder is P R Sreejesh and Cricketer Minnu Mani.
H S Prannoy and M R Arjun are Badminton players who won the Silver medal in the Asian Games 2023. Along with them, Athletes like Muhammed Afzal, Muhammed Ajmal, M Sreeshankar, and Ancy Sojan were Silver medal holders.
Bronze medal winners are Prannoy and Jinson Johnson.
Malayali Athletes show their best performance in the Asian Games. That could be the greatest motivation for the sports sector in Kerala.
Chief Minister Vijayan and Sports Minister V Abdurahiman decided to praise the Kerala players and their coaches on Thursday at the sports event. On Wednesday, the authorities finalized the awarding ceremony decision due to the criticism of ignorance.
A total of 33 athletes from Kerala participated in the Asian Games. by the authorities.
Kerala players earned 12 medals, of which four are gold, six silver, and two are bronze.
Gold Medal champion Sreejesh, a Hockey Champion, raised his concerns over not having proper support and attention from the state government of Kerala. No local representative reached out to him after the team returned from China.
The opposite party leader appeals to the Kerala authorities to stand on the promises made with the athletes for the reward and job opportunities. He also stresses the players who decided to quit Kerala due to negligence by the government.
Eldhose Paul and Abdullah Abubakar are Three jump players, and badminton player Prannoy decides to quit Kerala.