Raksha Bandhan, also known as Rakhi, will be celebrated on August 30 and 31 this year. It is celebrated annually on the full moon day of the Shravan month. On this day, sisters tie a rakhi (sacred thread) on their brothers' wrists, and brothers promise to protect their sisters.
It is celebrated on August 30 and 31. The reason for the two dates is because of Bhadra Kaal, an inauspicious time during which Raksha Bandhan rituals should not be performed. Therefore, you can tie a rakhi on either of these two days.
Shubh Muhurat:
The inauspicious Bhadra Kaal period for Raksha Bandhan will end at 9:01 p.m. on August 30. Therefore, you can perform the rituals from this time. The Poornima Tithi (Full Moon) will start on August 30 at 10:58 AM and end on August 31 at 7:05 AM.
One popular legend tells the story of King Bali, who was defeated by Vishnu after his sister, Subhadra, tied a rakhi on his wrist. Seeing this, Draupadi tore a piece of her sari and tied it to the injury to stop the bleeding. He fulfilled his promise when Draupadi faced public humiliation in the royal court of Hastinapur when the Kauravas tried to disrobe her.
On this day, the sisters tie a rakhi on their brother's wrist, and the brother promises to protect his sister. Traditionally, sisters tie a rakhi (sacred thread) on their brother's wrists, apply tilak (a vermillion mark) on their foreheads, and pray for their prosperity and long lives. However, in modern times, it is also common for brothers to tie rakhi to their sisters' wrists.
On this day, sisters prepare special dishes for their brothers, and brothers give their sisters gifts. The festival of Raksha Bandhan, which celebrates the tying of rakhis, is also an occasion for married women to return to their parents' homes for the ceremony.