WhatsApp is introducing an exciting new feature called "screen-sharing" to its beta testers on Android. This highly anticipated feature allows users to share their screens during video calls, enhancing the communication experience. However, it's important to note that the recipient must have an updated version of WhatsApp to access the shared content.
To utilize this feature, users need to give their consent to share their screen. It ensures privacy and enables a secure sharing environment. Please keep in mind that this feature may not be available on older Android versions and might not function optimally during large group calls.
In addition to screen-sharing, WhatsApp has made some adjustments to the bottom navigation bar in the beta version. The new arrangement of tabs offers a fresh user interface. Now, you can easily access Chats, Calls, Communities, and Status with a simple tap.
Excitingly, WhatsApp is also working on another feature known as "WhatsApp usernames." This upcoming update will allow users to choose unique usernames for their accounts, providing a more personalized experience. With usernames, you'll no longer solely rely on phone numbers to identify contacts. Moreover, this feature may enable you to contact others within the app by entering their usernames, eliminating the need for phone numbers.
Stay up to date with WhatsApp's latest innovations and enjoy the convenience of screen-sharing during your video calls. Connect with your loved ones in a more interactive way, and look forward to the upcoming feature that will let you choose your own WhatsApp username. WhatsApp continues to enhance its user experience, making communication more seamless and enjoyable for everyone.